Thursday, March 7, 2019


2.1  Definitions
In the previous chapter, we discussed how an atom has its unique frequency and amplitude spectrum. In this chapter, we will look into how that individual spectrum is modified when combined with the spectrum of other atoms within a compound or in a living cell. We know that atoms can combine to create molecules and living organisms. The basic unit of a living organism is a cell and it is made up of atoms of various types or kinds. Consequently, each living cell has its own complex spectrum, which is the summation of the spectra of the atoms that make it up. We will call this Bio-Spectrum when it refers to a single living cell. This is important because it foretells if we are going to get sick when exposed to viruses or bacteria. When a virus or a bacterium enters a human body, its presence is noticed when the bio-spectra of the virus or the bacterium is detected by the immune system cells. This happens because bio-spectra of the viruses and bacteria have an electromagnetic radiation and if any immune system cell is close by, it feels the presence of this electromagnetic radiation as heat. If the virus or the bacterium is dormant, meaning that their electromagnetic radiation or bio-spectra is weak, it may go unnoticed until they becomes active and their electromagnetic radiation or bio-spectra gains strength. When the presence of a virus or a bacterium is detected, immune system cells move in to challenge the virus. Just like the viruses and bacteria, immune system cells have their own electromagnetic radiation or bio-spectra to counter the electromagnetic radiation or bio-spectra of the viruses and bacteria. The outcome of this contest depends on who has the stronger electromagnetic radiation or bio-spectra, in other words, more powerful spectra wins the contest since the stronger electromagnetic radiation disturbs the weak electromagnetic radiation, resulting in the demise of the organism with the weak bio-spectra. This phenomenon has one unavoidable conclusion. A living cell dies when its bio-spectra is altered to some degree. If this sounds like star wars at the nano scale, it is.
Now, let us suppose someone is infected with viruses or bacteria. A medical doctor prescribes a medication. This medication is a chemical compound which in turn is made of various atoms combined in one form or another and as a result, it has a complex spectra. When taken orally or intravenously, it enters the blood stream of the patient and eventually meets the viruses or bacteria. If the medication has more powerful spectra than the bio-spectra of the viruses or bacteria, it interferes with their bio-spectra, which results in their death. If not, it is said that the virus has developed immunity to the medication. This implies that only way to treat a viral or bacterial infection is to find a chemical compound capable of altering the bio-spectra of the invading viruses or bacteria.
Another way to alter the bio-spectra of a virus or a bacterium is to subject them to an electromagnetic radiation, i.e. radiation therapy, where the radiation, which is another way of saying electromagnetic radiation, alters the bio-spectra of viruses and bacteria. It is important to remember that each healthy cell has its own unique bio-spectra. If this bio-spectra of the healthy cell is somehow altered, for example by presence of toxins or carcinogens, the new altered bio-spectra results in a pathological cell. This is how a healthy cell becomes a cancerous cell. Only way to treat a cancerous cell then is to define the bio-spectra of a similar healthy cell, than calculate an operator, i.e. a radiation therapy, to restore it to its original healthy bio-spectra. Otherwise, the pathological cell dies and so does the patient. One quick note here; based on the considerations we have presented so far, it is safe to assume that any device that emits radiation will affect its surroundings. So if you have a cell phone, I expect that the phone will have an effect on your brain and that effect can be harmful if the radiation of the cell phone is significantly different and stronger than the bio-spectra of your brain. I also suspect that living for long periods of time in close proximity of large arrays of transformers may have a negative effect depending on the distance.
2.2    Fire Flies
During a warm August night at some latitudes, one can observe tiny flying insects in an open field, suddenly emitting a visible red light for a second or two. These are the lights of little beetles, known as fire flies. Fig: 2-1. These insects have the unique ability to alter their own bio-spectra periodically. When they increase the strength of their bio-spectra, the electromagnetic field created by their own cells, becomes strong enough to move into the range of visible light at the red end of the light spectrum. After a second or two, their bio-spectra lose its strength and fall below the spectrum of visible light and into the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum. We, humans, have a similar capacity, although it is not within the realm of human control. It is possible that, human immune system cells have the capacity of increasing their bio-spectra, therefore the intensity of its electromagnetic radiation, when confronted by the bio-spectra of a virus or a bacterium. Only possible indication of such an event in human body is that we sometimes feel feverish during an illness, such as a cold or flu. Most of the time after a good sweat, we feel better simply because immune system cells probably overpowered and killed many of the viruses or bacteria in our bodies during a fever.
2.3  Fall Colors
Could all these things we talked about Bio-Spectra be just wishful thinking? Is there a proof in the nature about the existence of bio-spectra? I believe there is and here it is. Fall colors. There is a secret in fall colors that we have for so long failed to understand. When the fall comes, green leaves of trees first turn yellow and then red following the frequency sequence of the visible light spectrum from strong to weak. In other words, the green color of a healthy leaf has stronger frequency and amplitude spectrum than the frequency and amplitude spectrum of the yellow color of a dying leaf. Similarly, the frequency and amplitude spectrum of a yellow leaf is higher than the frequency and amplitude spectrum of a red leaf. The change is always from the green to yellow to red, which is from the higher frequency and amplitude to lower frequency and amplitude in the visible light spectrum. This is because the leaves have bio-spectra and death comes when their bio-spectra falls below the required level of energy. Fig: 2-2. Same phenomenon is behind green tomatoes turning red as they ripen, green bananas turning yellow over days, poinsettia leaves turning red from green when they are kept in the dark for few days as well as aging, poor health and weak metabolisms. Figs: 2-3a & 2-3b. It is feasible to assume that we humans have our unique individual bio-spectra or energy level which would be different for each individual. This individual bio-spectra or energy level is probably strong for some and not so strong for others. It is probably no wonder that some people with weak bio-spectra or low energy levels suffer poor health for all their lives while others with strong bio-spectra or energy levels enjoy a healthy life as long as they live. The fact that we all have different energy levels or bio-spectra is significant. Is it possible then different parts of human body have different energy levels? I suspect the brain and the nervous system have the highest energy levels in human body followed by muscles and internal organs while skeletal frame has probably the lowest energy level.
2.4    DNA
By now, you probably have figured out where we are going with this reasoning. The question, then, becomes how can a single cell at inception becomes a complex organism such as a human body. We all know that our DNA contains genes which have the instructions about how to build a human body from a single cell. In each gene, there are five genetic codes that tell a cell how to modify its frequency and amplitude spectrum in order to morph into a different cell. Let us for a moment assume that, inside each genetic code, there is a cell very much like a light bulb in a dark room photographers use to develop film. Let us also assume that inside of this room is covered with sensitive undeveloped photographic paper. When exposed to light, this photographic paper changes its color to the color of the light it is exposed to. Now, suppose there are five lamps attached to the ceiling of this room, each with its own control switch and each with a different color coating. Let us say that these colors are red, blue, yellow, green and orange. Hypothetically, if we turn the green light on, the photographic paper covering the room will turn green and when developed, it will stay green regardless of what color it is exposed to afterwards. Remember you can expose the film in your camera only once. If we turn the red light on instead, the photographic paper in the room will turn red and will stay red after it is developed. In reality, in human body, instead of switching the light bulb with a specific color on, each gene emits a frequency with a given amplitude within the cell to alter the cell’s bio-spectra, sometimes individually, sometimes in a combination of two or more frequencies, modifying the bio-spectra of the cell, therefore changing its chemical and physical properties. When this process is applied before or after a specified number of cell divisions in coordination with the instructions encoded within your DNA, a new type of cell is created each time, in the process building a human body from an initial single cell. These genes that emit a single or a combined frequency for a specific period of time to alter the properties of a living cell without destroying its functionality encourages us to believe that bio-spectra of a cell can be altered without being destroyed. On the other hand, when we cook an egg in a frying pan, we are applying heat, i.e., electromagnetic radiation and the cooked egg now has a different spectra. Although the cells in the cooked egg are no longer alive, the cooked egg still has spectra, although different from the bio-spectra of the egg we originally had. This is important because when we digest food, spectra of food are what we receive in order to keep our bodies nourished. In other words, spectra of food alter and elevate the spectra in our digestive system That brings us to a very interesting conclusion. Some foods have more powerful spectra such as greens than red meat which occupies the lower end of the visible light spectrum. Your grandma was probably right when she suggested that you should eat your greens. Finally, we now know how some substances can cause birth defects when they are present in human body during pregnancy.
While we are still at this subject, let us consider a seed planted in a soil. How does the seed know it is now planted? Only possible explanation I have is that, when we plant a seed, it senses the frequency and amplitude spectrum of the soil in which it is planted, which, in turn initiates the process of cell division and growth. This is why some plants will grow in certain types of soil. If the spectra of the soil do not correlate with the signal the seed is programmed to expect, plant will not grow. One clarification, though, the temperature of the soil the seed is planted into is part of the soil spectra. Some soils are more fertile than others because their spectra correlate better with the spectra of some plants. For example, dark soil, which results from decomposition and disintegration of ancient lava, makes a very fertile soil because it is rich in minerals. Fig: 2-4.
2.5 Brain Waves
Against the background of information we have so far presented, it is safe to assume that our brain has its own bio-spectra which emit its own electromagnetic waves. Medical science calls these waves Brain Waves. Medical science has instruments sensitive enough to measure these electromagnetic brain waves and they are used in diagnosing ailments that affect brain. Occasionally, in a TV broadcast, scans of healthy and not so healthy brains are shown in comparison as diagnostic tools. Color differences in these displays are nothing more than variations of the energy levels of bio-spectra, i.e. electromagnetic radiation of the various parts of an unhealthy and a healthy brain. Brain also operates using electromagnetic signals in order to communicate with the nervous system and the rest of the body. The brain cells that generate these signals are often called neurons and their signals are nothing other than electromagnetic impulses. When you applied a low voltage electric current to a frog leg in the lab to observe its knee jerk reaction, you have actually sent an electromagnetic radiation signal to the nerve cells in the frog leg. This shows that all living organisms are electromagnetic devices and that includes you and me. One interesting foot note here is about telepathy. If brain waves are modified by our thinking, then it is possible to send brain waves as telepathic signals over long distances to communicate with others.
Based on the considerations we have presented so far, we can safely assert that the division between Organic and Inorganic Chemistry is now blurred if not obsolete.
2.6 Colors and Human Eye
We all know that visible light is frequency and amplitude and it is part of the electromagnetic spectrum spanning from Gamma Rays to Radio Waves. When we look at an object, our eyes receive the electromagnetic spectrum reflected from that object as a signal. This electromagnetic signal interacts with the nerve cells in our eye, which in turn is sent out to our brain for processing. The important point here is not really how we see but rather how an object becomes visible to the eye. We all know that in a dark room we can’t see because there is no electromagnetic radiation strong enough to interact with the nerve cells in our eye. When the sun rises or when we turn a light switch on in a room, we are generating a three dimensional electromagnetic radiation. In sun’s case, its electromagnetic radiation in form of frequency and amplitude reaches the Earth and illuminates everything. To be more specific, when the sun light reflects from a flower, reflected light is altered by the spectra of the flower. If the leaves are green, their bio-spectra alter the reflected light differently than the blooms, which might be red. So the reflected light now carries that information about the leaves and the blossoms to our eyes and to our brain to be seen as green and red. Without this alteration by spectra of living things and substances, our eyes can’t separate and identify the colors of the objects we see. Ultraviolet and infrared spectra also have similar affect. For instance, Pitchblende, which is a uranium ore, glows under ultraviolet light whereas under normal day light, no glow is observed because UV light spectrum excites the atoms Pitchblende pushing its spectrum into the range of visible light.

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